Nathan Zhang

Hi! I'm a 17 yr old High Schooler at Saratoga High School in California. I am a prospective computer science major and am interesting in machine learning.

Currently, I am an incoming summer intern at Aizip, developing TinyMLs for a variety of time-series-based applications.

In the past I've worked for Podium's machine learning team. I also worked on Torus, a social media startup that I built the database and assisted in the backend for.

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On the Steganographic Capacity of Selected Learning Models
Rishit Agrawal*, Kelvin Jou*, Tanush Obili*, Daksh Parikh*, Samarth Prajapati*, Yash Seth*, Charan Sridhar*, Nathan Zhang*, Mark Stamp*†
Paper | ArXiv

Machine learning and deep learning models are potential vectors for various attack scenarios. For example, previous research has shown that malware can be hidden in deep learning models. Hiding information in a learning model can be viewed as a form of steganography. In this research, we consider the general question of the steganographic capacity of learning models. Specifically, for a wide range of models, we determine the number of low-order bits of the trained parameters that can be overwritten, without adversely affecting model performance.


Summer Intern June 2024 - August 2024
Software Engineer October 2023 - May 2024
PERN Stack (PostgreSQL, Express JS, React, Node.js)
  • Designed and implemented a PostgreSQL database from scratch for Torus, a dynamic social media platform, ensuring optimal data structure and integrity for efficient information storage and retrieval.
  • Created the CDN, and collaborated closely with the software development team to integrate the database with the application backend
  • Assisted in the development of the backend using node.js
Machine Learning Engineer Intern June 2023 - August 2023
Podium/Fathom Labs
  • Finetuned generative AI models to improve the quality, realism, and expressiveness of the podbooks
  • Assisted in employing natural language processing (NLP) techniques to interpret transcripts effectively, including languages like Chinese.
Research Intern at San Jose State University Janurary 2023 - September 2023
Dr. Mark Stamp
  • Researched the steganographic capacity of selected machine learning models in order to figure out the capacity of machine learning models possesing malware.


These are some of the personal projects I have created. More of my projects can be found on my github.
Python, HTML, CSS, JS
Website, Code

A Wordle based fencing game for guessing a male epee fencer in the top 61 FIE rankings.

Python, Flask, PyTorch, HTML, CSS, JS
Project Page, Code

  • Python Flask app for detecting and predicting osteoporosis in images and lifestyles using CNN and regression models
  • 1st place Hackathon Winner

Template found here.